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Practice, Preparation, and Tools Equal Success

Algebra Success in 20 Minutes a Day, 2e

Many standardized tests-including high school entrance exams, PSAT, SAT, and GRE, as well as professional and civil service qualifying exams-use algebra questions to test math skills. This book has been created specifically to guide you through all the topics of fundamental algebra you need to know-algebraic fractions, coordinate geometry, systems of equations, exponents, polynomials, and word problems-painlessly-in just 20 easy steps. Each step takes just 20 minutes a day. Our step-by-step guide offers you: A pretest and post test to help you pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses and check your progress, hundreds of practice exercises without a lot of theory or math jargon providing you with essential practice in solving algebra problems, a glossary, additional resources, and tips to help you prepare for important standardized tests

ISBN-13: 978-157685-4860
List Price: $16.00
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Practical Math Success in 20 Minutes a Day, 3e

Not everyone is good at math. But math "literacy" is essential for getting ahead in our high-tech modern world, as well as for passing most standardized tests. This book has been created specifically to guide you through the math you learned in high school but forgot—pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry—in just 20 easy steps. Each step takes just 20 minutes a day. Plus, you will receive online practice Practical Math questions FREE! Inside, find your official passport to visit LearningExpress's Online Practice Center!

ISBN-13: 978-157685-4853
List Price: $16.00
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Reading Comp. Success in 20 Minutes a Day, 3e

Are you a "good reader"? Good reading isn't just knowing the words. It's being able to understand what you read and put it to use. Quick, critical reading is an essential skill used in standardized tests, jobs, schools, and more. Be it literature, essays, technical writing, or articles—this book provides a complete close-reading tutorial in an easy 20-step program.

ISBN-13: 978-157685-4945
List Price: $16.00
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Vocab & Spelling Success in 20 Minutes a Day, 4e

To be successful, you must be able to communicate. Learn the words you need to know to successfully express yourself in school, work, and your personal life with this all-new fourth edition of Vocabulary & Spelling Success in 20 Minutes a Day. You'll dramatically improve your vocabulary! You'll pass any test—from standardized tests, to civil service tests, from college entrance exams to professional job interviews—and continue to build your vocabulary, even after you have finished using this book!

ISBN-13: 978-157685-5457
List Price: $16.00
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Civil Service Career Starter and Test Prep, 3e

With tons of up-to-date information about the most popular entry-level jobs, Civil Service Career Starter and Test Prep is the one book you need to get into the civil service field. The reading, writing, and math skill review sections will prepare you to take the Civil Service Exam and get you on your way to a long, fulfilling career. Pages of contact information and job hunting tips will help you land your dream job. This guide will tell you all you need to know about potential career paths and hiring processes while giving you the practice you need to take the next step.

ISBN-13: 978-157685-5457
List Price: $15.95
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Test-Taking Power Strategies

Taking a test can be nerve-wracking, especially when your future is riding on the results. And any kind of test—from high-stakes academic tests to career qualification exams—can be faced successfully with Test-Taking Power Strategies.

ISBN-13: 978-157685-6338
List Price: $14.95
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To enlist in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard, recruits must take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). Your ASVAB score not only determines if you can enlist, but also which military jobs you are qualified for once you do. Make no mistake: The better you score on the ASVAB, the more job choices will be open to you. If you are thinking about joining the military and have chosen ASVAB Power to prepare, you have already taken a giant step in the right direction. This invaluable test preparation provides the most up-to-date practice for the exam, including THREE full-length practice exams based on the official ASVAB, with complete answer explanations, as well as a top-notch preparation for all eight ASVAB subtests. Plus, our exclusive 9-step LearningExpress Test Preparation System will teach you to minimize test stress and maximize your score, and provide you with the helpful multiple-choice test strategies to give you the score you need for the career you want.

ISBN-13: 978-157685-5560
List Price: $14.95
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Health Occupations Entrance Exam Prep

Competition for good spots in the top Allied Health education and training programs is tough. You need a high score to get into the program you want and get the career you want. That's why LearningExpress has created this EXCLUSIVE guide to help you prepare for the Health Occupations Entrance Exam. Learn how to take the test with confidence and get a top score. Plus, this book includes a CD-ROM—a $24.95 value—FREE! Our exclusive CD-ROM is full of practice exams and questions.

ISBN-13: 978-157685-4785
List Price: $24.95
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