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Audience Levels in Title Source 3

The way Baker & Taylor displays the intended audience for book products in Title Source 3 has been improved. This upgrade will reduce confusion, simplify searching, and increase efficiency in the selection process.

Grade Level and Academic Level will no longer be displayed separately. These categories have been consolidated into the single field Audience. Prior labels were removed and Search Filters modified accordingly. Audience will be prominently displayed on the Detail View, Extended View, and Brief View mouse-over.

Audience Filters include:

  • Children's – Titles intended for Ages 0-11 (Grades 0-6)

  • Teen – Titles intended for Ages 12-18 (Grades 7-12)

  • General Adult – Trade titles intended for the general population; most bestsellers would be considered General Adult

  • Vocational/Technical – Titles intended for those pursuing a specific trade (e.g., plumber, electrician).

  • Scholarly/Associate – Generally textbooks intended for those pursuing an Associates degree (intended for use at 2-year college level)

  • Scholarly/Undergraduate - Generally textbooks intended for those pursuing a Bachelors degree (intended for use at 4-year college level)

  • Scholarly/Graduate - Generally textbooks intended for those pursuing a graduate or advanced degree (intended for use at the graduate level)

  • Professional – Intended for those who are professionals in specific fields (e.g., medicine, law); these titles are much more technical than those titles written for the general trade population.