Title Source II Users: ISBN Import Feature
You may import files of up to 200 ISBNs directly into a TSII cart, side-stepping the Search process to create an order cart.
This procedure saves time when you have an existing file of many titles to order, or to bring into a TSII cart for review of bibliographic and other details. Or, you may be working with a new title list from another source. Many of the new title lists on YBP Library Services' Academia website are available in Excel format and can be converted for Import.
As a first step you will need to save the ISBN list to a convenient location (desktop or folder). The text file to be imported should be created in Notepad or, if created in Word, should be saved as .txt file. Only files in this format can be successfully imported.
Then log on to TSII, click on the "Import" tab on the Tools & Help menu on the left side of the Basic Search screen. Select a cart from the drop-down menu, or create a new cart by selecting New Cart.
Once you have opened the Import screen, the Help screen will provide further details on completing the process.
Note: No Duplicate Check or DNE profile is applied to titles entered via the Import ISBN screen.