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   For descriptions of these products
   please see 'Services'.

  Survey Results

We are really excited about the responses from our recent survey. Within two weeks, we had received over 200 responses from our initial email (which consisted of almost 900 contacts in our database), for a return rate of around 23%! Not only did we get a good number of responses, we also received a lot of great suggestions and a clear picture of what would be of interest and of use to visitors of our site. Thanks again to all of you who took the time to respond to our survey – and please don’t stop sending us your thoughts and suggestions. Click to let us know what you’d like to see on our site or if you’d like to contribute in any way.

As you can see from the graphs below, the area which would be most useful is collection development tools – and we have a whole section devoted to them. In addition, we have included an area for specialized lists created in response to specific requests that we think might be of interest to a broader number of customers (see Custom Selection List). We were given some suggestions about which specialized lists you’d like to see and we’ll do our best to fulfill those requests as we move forward.

The responses also indicated an interest in Library News. We hope that Paul Dumont’s article in the Library Spotlight will be the beginning of many articles on what is happening in libraries, as written by librarians, for librarians. There is a definite interest in best practices and in sharing how other libraries are doing things. We received many indications of interest in submitting material – so don’t be shy! We’d love to hear from those who expressed an interest in providing library news about what topics they have in mind and when they would be able to submit an article.

Product and service information was also requested, so we’ve tried to make sure that the information you need in that area is easily found and contact information to set up service is at your fingertips. For further information and to set up service for YBP products, contact your YBP Academic Sales Representative or Customer Service Representative. For information and to set up service for Baker & Taylor products, please see Baker & Taylor Product/Service Contacts.

As you’ve suggested, we’ll be including tips on how to best utilize our services, how-to-do procedures, information and links to our service partners (see ILS Integration, currently under development), and links to your customer service and YBP Academic Sales Representative. You also overwhelming agreed that e-mail was the preferred method to communicate with you.

We want to make working with us easy and pleasant for you - and we want to make this website interesting and useful for you. Thanks for your many suggestions on how we might do that.