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  Custom Selection Lists

Title selection lists for current material in subject areas of general interest will be posted here. Libraries with specific collection development needs may request custom selection lists targeted to specific audience needs.

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Links to online ordering systems are now available for our custom selection lists. To order titles select the HTML version of the selection lists and choose B&T or YBP. This service is available for lists posted after October 1, 2004.





Business Administration 2005-12
Psychology 2005-11
ESL 2005-10
Astronomy 2005-09
Physics 2005-09
Meteorology, Natural Disasters and Economic Impact NEW! 2005-09
Chemistry 2005-08
Internet Security/Identity Theft 2005-08
Biology 2005-07
Creative Writing 2005-07
Don Quijote 2005-07
Earth Science 2005-07
Fiction, Poetry and Drama New! 2005-07
Environmental Science 2005-06
Fashion Merchandising 2005-06
Hospitality Industry 2005-05
2004-2005 Reference Works 2005-04
Graphic Novels 2005-04
Horticulture 2005-04
Reference Vocational 2005-04
Veterinary Medicine 2005-04
Fashion 2005-03
African American Studies 2005-02
Chicago Architecture 2005-02
Sales/Motivational 2005-02
Self Help 2005-02
Culinary 2005-01
Homeland Security 2005-01
Paralegal 2005-01
Computer Technology: Guidebooks 2004-12
Computer Technology: Textbooks 2004-12
Computer Technology/Vocational-Technical 2004-11
Computer Technology/General 2004-11
English and American Literature 2004-11
Fine Arts 2004-11
Philosphy and Psychology 2004-11
Aeronautics 2004-10
Math and Science 2004-10
Native American Studies 2004-10
Social Sciences Economics 2004-10
Social Sciences Sociology 2004-10
Education 2004-09
Speech and Writing 2004-09
Medical Assistant 2004-09
Allied Health 2004-08
Criminology 2004-08
Landscaping 2004-07
Automotive 2004-06
Career Selection List 2004-06
Heavy Engine 2004-06
Ronald Reagan Selection List 2004-06
Recent General Reference Works 2004-05
Nursing 2004-05
Media Production 2004-04
Welding 2004-04
Electronics Technology 2004-04
Study Skills, Language Arts and ESL for Spanish Speaking Students in Business and Computer Science 2004-03
Early Childhood Development 2004-03
ED (eBooks) General Works and Basic Reference List 2004-02
School Library Journal Best Books, 2003, Adult Books for High School Students Basic Reference List 2004-02
Visual Communication 2004-02
Pesticides 2004-01
Fashion 2004-01
Bestselling Series 2003-12
Hispanic Fiction (in English) 2003-12
Cosmetology 2003-12
Agriculture Technology 2003-08
Business Ethics 2003-08
Landscape Design and Gardens 2003-08
Reference 2003-04
Space 2003-02
General Mathematics 2003-01
Exceptional Education 2003-01
General Science 2003-01